Game Development: The Adventures of Monkey King [Bug Fixes, New Sprite]

DOWNLOAD LINK: The Adventures of Monkey King

It’s been three weeks since I last updated the game. I’ve been so pre-occupied with other projects and assignments that I couldn’t really work on this game. Luckily, I finally have some free time and so I managed to fix a few bugs and issues based on the feedback that I received from the alpha stages.

One of the main issues that I noticed while play testing the game was that players had a hard time reading the text. The default font size was set to 10 and I initially thought that it was good enough. Unfortunately after play testing it multiple times on a 13-inch laptop, players had difficulties reading the text. So a quick fix to this was to make the font larger. I changed it from 10 to 14 which will hopefully be readable enough.

Another issue that I encountered was that players had a difficult time interacting with the signposts. The initial interact hitbox had a size of 18×36, which made it harder to “hit” the signposts whenever the player would try to interact with it. So in order to fix this, I decided to increase the size of the interact hitbox to 54×42. This will give the player a longer range when it comes to interaction with NPC’s.

After fixing the issues, I finally decided to create a new sprite; the bandit. It was difficult to come up with the actual look of the bandit since Google images didn’t really give me a good idea of what a Chinese Bandit looks like. So, what I did was imagine what a typical bandit would look like, and then went on from there. The look isn’t that accurate, but it’s close enough for now. I might change it later on once I get a better idea of what they look like.

In a nutshell, here are the changes that I made.

Few fixes:

  • Changed font size from 10 to 14
  • Fonts are now in Bold instead of Regular
  • Increased interaction distance for NPC’s (e.g. signposts)

New Implementation:

  • New Enemy Sprite: Bandit (Idle)
  • New Background: Cave (for second room/level)
Bandit Sprite

Currently, I’m working on more sprites such as the mountain demon sprite and the animation sprites of the bandit. It’s a very time consuming process, but hopefully I’ll be able to finish all of it within this week.

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